Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Did They Really Need The Stuff More Than His Wife?

I just watched a news report about SenAirman Bradley R Smith who was killed in Afghanistan January 3, 2010; he was 24 years old. The news story didn't focus on his death but on how his widow was robbed. She and her mother-in-law were in Colorado Springs for a memorial service. They stopped for lunch and someone broke into their rental car and stole many of his personal items including ior the dog tags he was wearing when he was killed, his laptop, and his watch.

Hopefully, with the news coverage it has received, some (all?) of these items can be found and returned to his widow, Tiffany. I think the saddest part of all is that not only did his 3 month old baby, Chloe Lynn, lose the father she never got to meet but she also lost tangible items that he owned. A friend of mine had her purse stolen a few years ago, inside her purse was her dad's dog tags. He didn't die in the line of duty, he was struck by a drunk driver that drug him under his car for several feet. She sometimes liked to wear the dog tags because it made him feel closer to her. Who knows where those tags ended up. Were they pawned for drugs, traded, kept as a souvenir,discarded in the trash? I hope that where ever these two sets of memories ended up someone in the future feels compelled to track down their origins and the children of the men who served their country get them back.

I don't understand why people feel like they have the right to take things that were never theirs and break the hearts and spirits of people who rightfully own them. It's like they have some sort of bizarre sense of entitlement.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog's Day

Well Groundhog’s Day is almost over and apparently we are in for 6 more weeks of winter. According to United States and Canadian lore if a groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 there will be six more weeks of winter, if it doesn’t spring is coming soon, but that is not the whole story. The rest of the story would be PETA’s defense of the little rodent (also known as a woodchuck, land-beaver, or whistle-pig—who knew, not me).

PETA wants to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a robot because Phil is paraded, manhandled, and “forced to be on display year round at the local library and is denied the ability to prepare for and enter yearly hibernation…Add to that the displeasure of large, screaming crowds, flashing lights of cameras, and human handling.” Not sure how this makes Phil any different than celebrities stalked by the paparazzi on a daily basis, but apparently PETA doesn’t care about the human “animal”.

In my opinion a robot is a bad idea for several reasons. If it is snowing or raining the robot could short out, killing people with its deadly sparks; someone will have to program the robot to either stay out or jump back into its hole—seems to me like someone can fake the results and then what are we going to do, rely on the local weather people to figure out how to dress for the next month and a half; plus I saw Terminator (big screen and on FOX), robots KILL on purpose, not just when they accidentally electrocute people when the weather is foul—is PETA trying to slay us all?!

Phil, who according to William Deeley, the current president of the Inner Circle of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club says Phil is “being treated better than the average child in Pennsylvania” and kept in a climate controlled environment, plus the State Department of Agriculture checks on him annually. Phil has a nice home, food, people to care for him, and he has a guaranteed date at least once a year—that’s more then I’m guaranteed, so they need to just leave it be.

Other things that happened on February 2nd:

1653, New York City (then called New Amsterdam) was incorporated
1790, the United States Supreme Court convened for the 1st time
1878, Greece declares war on Turkey (I started looking to see who won but slowly I didn’t care and gave up the search)
1922, James Joyce’s Ulysses was published in Paris (never read it, not even the CliffNotes)
1947, Farrah Fawcett was born (now I’m sad)
1962, Michael T Weiss was born (I’m a little less sad)
1964, GI Joe was first introduced (to America, he met Barbie later)
1977, Radio Shack officially started producing the TRS-80 computer (it was released on August 3, 1977) and cost $600
2007, Three tornadoes hit Central Florida, 42 people were killed

I’m off to crawl back into my bed, not for the 6 weeks Phil is planning, but until 8:00 am.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Watching Mel Gibson On Jay Leno And Annoyed For A Variety Of Reasons

Why am I annoyed you ask. Well,

1-I'm watching Jay Leno. I think the decision to put his show on 90 minutes before Conan O'Brien's was a bad one, so bad in fact, that whoever green lit the idea should have to apologize to random people on the street until every individual man, woman, and child gets theirs.

Both shows were designed to talk to celebrities, both shows contained skits, both shows started with jokes. Let's break these down.

A. Both shows and celebrities. They were in direct competition for guests. Would you rather go on a show that potential have more viewers because it was BEFORE most people's bedtime or go a "more" established show (around longer)? I would guess (and Kayne did) most people would choose the former. Plus, Conan was not given the time he needed to make the show his own. I routinely drive the same route to work because I know it, not because it is necessarily the best one to take.

B. The skits are skits and it is a matter of opinion which ones you preferred. BUT it is worth noting that both shows had them.

C. The jokes. Jay spits out a ditty about Mrs. Tiger yelling "fore" right before she swings the club, Conan spouts one about Mrs. Tiger yelling "fire" right after the SUV hits the hydrant, which one paints the better picture, does it matter one was on before I got ready for bed and one right after I was ready to go to bed. Jay tells a joke about something Biden said then 90 minutes later Conan tells a joke about something Biden says. Maybe Conan is funnier, but Jay was first. See where I am going with this?

I think Conan was set up to fail, I think Jay did not want to leave television (in spite of all the "I hate NBC, those bastards" jokes he's been telling, I think the executives at NBC pitted the two against each other in some sort of match to the death (of their shows) but they have been pretty determined to KILL the entire network so I shouldn't be surprised.

2-Mel Gibson bugs me. In fact, the fact that there are times he does NOT bug me bugs me. There are a few people that do this for me, but this a rabbit trail left for another time. I want to NOT like him--he cheated on his wife (AS WELL AS HIS SEVEN CHILDREN AND THE BABY JESUS, how to people not realize that when they cheat, they cheat on everyone?); he had a baby with a woman who makes my involuntarily go "bleech" (this is all based on gossip and TMZ but I stand by my snap judgment, at least until gossip and TMZ can find some way to change my mind); his drinking-he "started" at age 13, but was that a decision a 13 year old can be expected, with all its consequences, to understand? His neural pathways were most likely rewired which would explain some of his behaviors; he apparently had some not nice things to say about Jewish people; he is (was) a serious smoker--clearly this is a man riddled with demons (disease, bad behavior, excuses, whatever...) and the fact that he claims to be a serious Catholic is in direct opposition of his actions/or proof that he is just a fallible human.

Pick and choose Christians bug me. I write this as I have a Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD in my player so I may just be as big a hypocrite.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nicknames For LIT Book Club Members

Jamie, Heather's husband , said this morning that we need nicknames for our book club members. In this spirit I came up with a few.

A more offbeat member could be abnormaLITy
A more responsible member could be accountabiLITy
A cute member could be adorabiLITy
A frugal member could be affordabiLITy
A bendable member could be agiLITy
A friendly member could be approachabiLITy
An honest member could be believabiLITy
A loud member could be earspLITting
A showy member could be gLITter
A takes everything you say at face value member could be LITeral
A foreign member could be LITer
An artistic member could be LITographer
An attorney member could be LITagator
A messy member could be a LITterbug
A tiny member could be LITtle
A member who loves vampires could be twiLIT

Overall group members could be called whatchamacalLITs

Sunday, January 17, 2010

From MySpace Wednesday, April 08, 2009


When I first saw the news on a vanity license plate saying this morning I read it as "I Love Tofu", apparently I was one of the few. The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (and other people responding to the story) read it as I Love To F*&%. There is a panel that reviews all vanity plate requests in Colorado and they determined that this was not okay. (Wondering, if she was speeding or otherwise breaking the law of this plate would get her a pass from the police or an offer from an officer?)

38 year-old Kelly Coffman-Lee likes to advertise her beliefs on her car. She has bumper stickers about global warning, red meat (she and her three children are vegans), rodeos, circuses, and fur. She stated that since the bumper stickers are mostly “anti” she wanted something positive. She went on to tell a local TV reporter that “Tofu is a word, I haven't said anything bad. I think it’s crazy they denied it…It's not a dirty, evil food. It's very wholesome.” PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not People Enjoy Tasty Animals, just a little FYI) offered to pay the $60 fee for the plate before it was rejected.

Her argument is that anyone who is BEHIND her could see what she stands for, but in Colorado we have plates front and back. I guess if someone decided to follow her for whatever they could (hopefully) figure out she is for the soybean byproduct based on everything on her car’s butt end, not a wild romp in the backseat, but someone coming from the other direction...

Towards the end of her interview she declared, “Anyone who'd call in about that needs to get a life...I think I’ll stick with the number combination right now and get more bumper stickers.” Controversy over license plates is not new and since the State owns the plate they have won when this issue has gone to court. Sticking to getting more bumper stickers seems the best idea for now.

Someone wrote to a local news station saying Coffman-Lee should try for JOY4SOY. Can that be taken in more than one way?

From Rachel Smith hmm. or if it was someone who loved working in my dept it could be I love Follow up! ha ha ha..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Little Insight About Me From A March 25, 2009 Post

I got this from a friend would like your answers, either in your own blog or in the comment section of this one.

Welcome to the new 2009 Edition of getting to know your family and friends. Here is what you are supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Have fun and be truthful!

1. What is your occupation right now ? Office manager/trained mediator

2. What color are your socks right now? White

3. What are you listening to right now? Fairly annoying voicemails at work

4. What was the last thing that you ate? Fried egg sandwich with cheese

5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, but it has been years

6. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? A completely clueless receptionist

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes

8. How old are you today? 38, 39 in 6 days...

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Hockey or Baseball--Oh, and Ninja Warriors!

10. What is your favorite drink? I think I may be in love with the new Cherry Diet Dr Pepper

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Sometimes obviously so

12. Favorite foods? Nachos, not Mexican, Nachos

13. What is the last movie you watched? I'm currently watching TV series on DVD

14. Favorite day of the year? Any day where I manage to get more than eigth hours of sleep

15. How do you vent anger? Cry, or make the one ticking me off cry...

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? A doll I named "Betsey Ross"

17. What is your favorite season? Football weather

18. Cherries or Blueberries? Don't do fruit, it's a sensory thing

19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? In general yes, unless it is something that has already been debunked on because I will call them out on it. Specific to this, I am posting on my MySpace blog because that has been hit or miss lately.

20. Who is the most likely to respond? I'm hoping Rachel S, Marian, Connie, Amy B-C, Dana, Bethanee, and anyone else who reads my blog

21. Who is least likely to respond? There are a lot of that don't find my blog required reading, I don't get that myself!

22. Living arrangements? Crazy lady with a cat (and it will grow to two when I cat sit next week)

23. When was the last time you cried? Teared up yesterday in mediation when a teen started to cry, but had a really good one Monday. It was in front of my boss leaving him "no tools" 'cuz I took them all away

24. What is on the floor of your closet? Things that should be on hangers

Question 25 mysteriously not here, must of been a doozy

26. What did you do last night? Minor in possession mediation

27. What are you most afraid of? Love, actually

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese stuffed in the middle

29. Favorite dog breed? Usually I love the mutts

30. Favorite day of the week? Varies, usually with the headaches

31. How many states have you lived in? 4

32. Diamonds or pearls? The whole "diamonds are a girls best friend" is crap, I like fire opals

33. What is your favorite flower? Calla Lily

34. Favorite song right now? I'm more about the meaningful lyrics than the overall song:

"She said - while you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you're dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn't care..."

"Well I never saw it coming
I should have started running
A long, long time ago!
And I never thought I’d doubt you
I’m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I’m slowly getting closure
I guess it’s really over
I’m finally gettin’ better
Now I’m picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
‘Cause the day I thought I’d never get through
I got over you!!!"

"I play a good game,
But not good as you
I can be a little cold, but you can be so cruel
I'm not made of brick, I'm not made of stone
But I had you fooled enough
To take me on
If love was a war, its you who has won
While I was confessing it, you held your tongue
Now the damage is done...

I thought you'd come through,
I thought you'd come clean
You were the best thing I should never have seen..."

"You told me once
You'd show up
But I fell for that
Before I fell to pieces"

"Oh, you probably won’t remember me
It’s probably ancient history
I’m one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you
I’m out of hope, I’m out of touch
I fell too fast, I feel too much
I thought that you might have
Some advice to give on how to be
I really should have known
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
Your casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face
That told me
Maybe You might have some advice to give
On how to be

I'm seeing a lyrics-specific blog in my future....

35. What should you be doing right now? Need to get back to work

36. Where is your favorite vacation place? With family

37. What's your favorite color? Blues and greens

38. What are you looking forward to? I'm thinking about taking another painting class

Make up your own question and add it to the list, or exchange it for something

already on the list.

39. What is one thing you regret that you can still change? Going to college

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Every year people feel the need to make New Year's resolutions. I used to make my resolution to procrastinate less some where around January 20th, but then I would put off implementing any plan. A recent study reported that only 12% of people who made resolutions followed through so I wasn't alone. Apparently men do better when they have small, measurable targets and women do better when they make their objectives "public" and have the support of friends.
I just know it would be easier to stick to resolutions if they were, well, easier.
I could gain 20 pounds this year if I wanted. I would stock up on Christmas candy now, eat it until the day after Valentine's, stock up again, eat it until the day after Easter, stock up for the ridiculously long candy drought that last until October, stock up again the day after Halloween, and make it to the next new year. Heck, if I really apply myself I could gain 30 pounds.
I could watch more TV and movies. This would dovetail nicely with my first goal.
I could get my heartbeat up without going to the gym by introducing more stress into my life.
But none of these would make me a better me.
The most frequent resolutions include spending more time with family and friends; getting healthier--smoke less, work out more, lose weight, quit drinking; be better with money--get out of debt and/or save money; learn something new--a skill, craft, or take some kind of class; help others either by volunteering time or resources (money, clothing, supplies); get better organized--manage time better and/or reduce clutter in their life; start a diary; take a trip; get a better or different job; and reduce stress.
My past resolutions have included most of the above including:
I would like to be more organized/less cluttered I didn't do this last year or the year before.
I resolved two years ago to get out of debt and it looks like my five year plan of paying off those pesky credit cards is right on track.
Last year I resolved to get back into a certain pair of pants. I still can't get them over my hips and my Wii Mii is as fat as ever. Heather and I talked today (okay, I talked, she agreed) that to make sure we work out more this year we compare Wii stamps at the end of each month and whoever has the least has to pay for the next month's pedicure. We shall see if it lasts.
This year I resolve to blog more. I like the research associated with blogging (at least the way I do it) plus knowing people will be reading what I'm writing gives me a thrill.