Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Watching Mel Gibson On Jay Leno And Annoyed For A Variety Of Reasons

Why am I annoyed you ask. Well,

1-I'm watching Jay Leno. I think the decision to put his show on 90 minutes before Conan O'Brien's was a bad one, so bad in fact, that whoever green lit the idea should have to apologize to random people on the street until every individual man, woman, and child gets theirs.

Both shows were designed to talk to celebrities, both shows contained skits, both shows started with jokes. Let's break these down.

A. Both shows and celebrities. They were in direct competition for guests. Would you rather go on a show that potential have more viewers because it was BEFORE most people's bedtime or go a "more" established show (around longer)? I would guess (and Kayne did) most people would choose the former. Plus, Conan was not given the time he needed to make the show his own. I routinely drive the same route to work because I know it, not because it is necessarily the best one to take.

B. The skits are skits and it is a matter of opinion which ones you preferred. BUT it is worth noting that both shows had them.

C. The jokes. Jay spits out a ditty about Mrs. Tiger yelling "fore" right before she swings the club, Conan spouts one about Mrs. Tiger yelling "fire" right after the SUV hits the hydrant, which one paints the better picture, does it matter one was on before I got ready for bed and one right after I was ready to go to bed. Jay tells a joke about something Biden said then 90 minutes later Conan tells a joke about something Biden says. Maybe Conan is funnier, but Jay was first. See where I am going with this?

I think Conan was set up to fail, I think Jay did not want to leave television (in spite of all the "I hate NBC, those bastards" jokes he's been telling, I think the executives at NBC pitted the two against each other in some sort of match to the death (of their shows) but they have been pretty determined to KILL the entire network so I shouldn't be surprised.

2-Mel Gibson bugs me. In fact, the fact that there are times he does NOT bug me bugs me. There are a few people that do this for me, but this a rabbit trail left for another time. I want to NOT like him--he cheated on his wife (AS WELL AS HIS SEVEN CHILDREN AND THE BABY JESUS, how to people not realize that when they cheat, they cheat on everyone?); he had a baby with a woman who makes my involuntarily go "bleech" (this is all based on gossip and TMZ but I stand by my snap judgment, at least until gossip and TMZ can find some way to change my mind); his drinking-he "started" at age 13, but was that a decision a 13 year old can be expected, with all its consequences, to understand? His neural pathways were most likely rewired which would explain some of his behaviors; he apparently had some not nice things to say about Jewish people; he is (was) a serious smoker--clearly this is a man riddled with demons (disease, bad behavior, excuses, whatever...) and the fact that he claims to be a serious Catholic is in direct opposition of his actions/or proof that he is just a fallible human.

Pick and choose Christians bug me. I write this as I have a Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD in my player so I may just be as big a hypocrite.

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