Sunday, January 17, 2010

From MySpace Wednesday, April 08, 2009


When I first saw the news on a vanity license plate saying this morning I read it as "I Love Tofu", apparently I was one of the few. The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (and other people responding to the story) read it as I Love To F*&%. There is a panel that reviews all vanity plate requests in Colorado and they determined that this was not okay. (Wondering, if she was speeding or otherwise breaking the law of this plate would get her a pass from the police or an offer from an officer?)

38 year-old Kelly Coffman-Lee likes to advertise her beliefs on her car. She has bumper stickers about global warning, red meat (she and her three children are vegans), rodeos, circuses, and fur. She stated that since the bumper stickers are mostly “anti” she wanted something positive. She went on to tell a local TV reporter that “Tofu is a word, I haven't said anything bad. I think it’s crazy they denied it…It's not a dirty, evil food. It's very wholesome.” PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not People Enjoy Tasty Animals, just a little FYI) offered to pay the $60 fee for the plate before it was rejected.

Her argument is that anyone who is BEHIND her could see what she stands for, but in Colorado we have plates front and back. I guess if someone decided to follow her for whatever they could (hopefully) figure out she is for the soybean byproduct based on everything on her car’s butt end, not a wild romp in the backseat, but someone coming from the other direction...

Towards the end of her interview she declared, “Anyone who'd call in about that needs to get a life...I think I’ll stick with the number combination right now and get more bumper stickers.” Controversy over license plates is not new and since the State owns the plate they have won when this issue has gone to court. Sticking to getting more bumper stickers seems the best idea for now.

Someone wrote to a local news station saying Coffman-Lee should try for JOY4SOY. Can that be taken in more than one way?

From Rachel Smith hmm. or if it was someone who loved working in my dept it could be I love Follow up! ha ha ha..

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