Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Every year people feel the need to make New Year's resolutions. I used to make my resolution to procrastinate less some where around January 20th, but then I would put off implementing any plan. A recent study reported that only 12% of people who made resolutions followed through so I wasn't alone. Apparently men do better when they have small, measurable targets and women do better when they make their objectives "public" and have the support of friends.
I just know it would be easier to stick to resolutions if they were, well, easier.
I could gain 20 pounds this year if I wanted. I would stock up on Christmas candy now, eat it until the day after Valentine's, stock up again, eat it until the day after Easter, stock up for the ridiculously long candy drought that last until October, stock up again the day after Halloween, and make it to the next new year. Heck, if I really apply myself I could gain 30 pounds.
I could watch more TV and movies. This would dovetail nicely with my first goal.
I could get my heartbeat up without going to the gym by introducing more stress into my life.
But none of these would make me a better me.
The most frequent resolutions include spending more time with family and friends; getting healthier--smoke less, work out more, lose weight, quit drinking; be better with money--get out of debt and/or save money; learn something new--a skill, craft, or take some kind of class; help others either by volunteering time or resources (money, clothing, supplies); get better organized--manage time better and/or reduce clutter in their life; start a diary; take a trip; get a better or different job; and reduce stress.
My past resolutions have included most of the above including:
I would like to be more organized/less cluttered I didn't do this last year or the year before.
I resolved two years ago to get out of debt and it looks like my five year plan of paying off those pesky credit cards is right on track.
Last year I resolved to get back into a certain pair of pants. I still can't get them over my hips and my Wii Mii is as fat as ever. Heather and I talked today (okay, I talked, she agreed) that to make sure we work out more this year we compare Wii stamps at the end of each month and whoever has the least has to pay for the next month's pedicure. We shall see if it lasts.
This year I resolve to blog more. I like the research associated with blogging (at least the way I do it) plus knowing people will be reading what I'm writing gives me a thrill.

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