Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Little Insight About Me From A March 25, 2009 Post

I got this from a friend would like your answers, either in your own blog or in the comment section of this one.

Welcome to the new 2009 Edition of getting to know your family and friends. Here is what you are supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Have fun and be truthful!

1. What is your occupation right now ? Office manager/trained mediator

2. What color are your socks right now? White

3. What are you listening to right now? Fairly annoying voicemails at work

4. What was the last thing that you ate? Fried egg sandwich with cheese

5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, but it has been years

6. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? A completely clueless receptionist

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes

8. How old are you today? 38, 39 in 6 days...

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Hockey or Baseball--Oh, and Ninja Warriors!

10. What is your favorite drink? I think I may be in love with the new Cherry Diet Dr Pepper

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Sometimes obviously so

12. Favorite foods? Nachos, not Mexican, Nachos

13. What is the last movie you watched? I'm currently watching TV series on DVD

14. Favorite day of the year? Any day where I manage to get more than eigth hours of sleep

15. How do you vent anger? Cry, or make the one ticking me off cry...

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? A doll I named "Betsey Ross"

17. What is your favorite season? Football weather

18. Cherries or Blueberries? Don't do fruit, it's a sensory thing

19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? In general yes, unless it is something that has already been debunked on because I will call them out on it. Specific to this, I am posting on my MySpace blog because that has been hit or miss lately.

20. Who is the most likely to respond? I'm hoping Rachel S, Marian, Connie, Amy B-C, Dana, Bethanee, and anyone else who reads my blog

21. Who is least likely to respond? There are a lot of that don't find my blog required reading, I don't get that myself!

22. Living arrangements? Crazy lady with a cat (and it will grow to two when I cat sit next week)

23. When was the last time you cried? Teared up yesterday in mediation when a teen started to cry, but had a really good one Monday. It was in front of my boss leaving him "no tools" 'cuz I took them all away

24. What is on the floor of your closet? Things that should be on hangers

Question 25 mysteriously not here, must of been a doozy

26. What did you do last night? Minor in possession mediation

27. What are you most afraid of? Love, actually

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese stuffed in the middle

29. Favorite dog breed? Usually I love the mutts

30. Favorite day of the week? Varies, usually with the headaches

31. How many states have you lived in? 4

32. Diamonds or pearls? The whole "diamonds are a girls best friend" is crap, I like fire opals

33. What is your favorite flower? Calla Lily

34. Favorite song right now? I'm more about the meaningful lyrics than the overall song:

"She said - while you were sleeping
I was listening to the radio
And wondering what you're dreaming when
It came to mind that I didn't care..."

"Well I never saw it coming
I should have started running
A long, long time ago!
And I never thought I’d doubt you
I’m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I’m slowly getting closure
I guess it’s really over
I’m finally gettin’ better
Now I’m picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
‘Cause the day I thought I’d never get through
I got over you!!!"

"I play a good game,
But not good as you
I can be a little cold, but you can be so cruel
I'm not made of brick, I'm not made of stone
But I had you fooled enough
To take me on
If love was a war, its you who has won
While I was confessing it, you held your tongue
Now the damage is done...

I thought you'd come through,
I thought you'd come clean
You were the best thing I should never have seen..."

"You told me once
You'd show up
But I fell for that
Before I fell to pieces"

"Oh, you probably won’t remember me
It’s probably ancient history
I’m one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you
I’m out of hope, I’m out of touch
I fell too fast, I feel too much
I thought that you might have
Some advice to give on how to be
I really should have known
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
Your casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face
That told me
Maybe You might have some advice to give
On how to be

I'm seeing a lyrics-specific blog in my future....

35. What should you be doing right now? Need to get back to work

36. Where is your favorite vacation place? With family

37. What's your favorite color? Blues and greens

38. What are you looking forward to? I'm thinking about taking another painting class

Make up your own question and add it to the list, or exchange it for something

already on the list.

39. What is one thing you regret that you can still change? Going to college

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